Who Speaks For Me? is an advocacy and activist-driven prison abolition organization working to create alternatives to incarceration and opportunities to heal from trauma before, during and post incarceration for women, girls, and LGBTQ+ people. Our programs and services aim to interrupt and dismantle the Trauma-to-Prison Pipeline™, reduce recidivism, and increase successful reentry. WSFM intersects the relationship between reproductive oppression, sexism, mental health, structural racism, and mass incarceration by centering Black women–who sit at the intersection of race and gender.
Nearly a third of the world’s female inmates are incarcerated in the United States.
The population of women in prison grew by
in the Past 30 Years
Trauma to Prison PipelineTM
Trauma is a common trait that most
justice-involved women share.

Approximately 86% of women detained in carceral spaces have survived trauma. Taylar Nuevelle coined the phrase and concept of the Trauma-to-Prison Pipeline™ in 2015, specifically based on how it impacts women, girls, & LGBTQ+ people. In 2016, Taylar wrote in a blog for the Vera Institute, “Conversations about the trauma-to-prison pipeline for women are dissected in private meetings, but in order to achieve true reform these issues need to be on the front page of The Washington Post and The New York Times.” WSFM knows the unique challenges faced by justice-involved women, girls and LGBTQ+ people and it is from this vantage point that we aim to dismantle the Trauma-to-Prison Pipeline™ as well as provide resources and opportunities to heal.
• Who Speaks for Me? is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit • We work to dismantle the systems that lead women, girls and LGBTQ+ down the path of the Trauma-to-Prison Pipeline™ • Donate today and support our cause!
donate today• WSFM organizes direct action campaigns with people with lived experience • To find out about volunteer opportunities, please complete the form!
volunteer form• With our work to dismantle the Trauma-to-Prison Pipeline™ systems, we provide direct support to individuals living in the halfway house and shelters and who those who are experiencing housing insecurity • This amazon wishlist is specifically for women living a the Harriet Tubman Low Barrier shelter in SE Washington, DC!
amazon wishlist
Coming Soon Stories