Sharing Our Stories™ is an original program created by Who speaks for Me? SOS consists of a writing program for people detained in carceral spaces and a speakers bureau for system impacted people. Both programs allow survivors of the criminal justice system a way to publicly share their stories to raise awareness about the importance Building a Trauma Informed Justice System and creating alternatives to incarceration.
Sharing Our Stories™ to Reclaim Our Lives: Understanding the Journey on the Trauma-to-Prison-Pipeline™ for Women, Girls and LGBTQ People
Sharing Our Stories to Reclaim Our Lives™ “Understanding of the Journey on the Trauma-to-Prison Pipeline for Women, Girls, and LGBTQ+ People,” is a life writing project that introduces participants to short stories, novels, biographies, and articles that discuss the experiences of survivors. Using reading to foster a relaxed dialogue, participants are then given weekly writing prompts to share their own stories and their reactions to the readings and discussions. Participants begin a journey of healing from trauma and share their stories through print and public forums to impact change and create alternatives to incarceration.
The Speakers Bureau program allows women, girls and LGBTQ people of color who are justice-involved and/or returning citizens to discuss their lives before, during and post incarceration.

The Speakers Bureau Program allows women, girls and LGBTQ+ people of color who are justice-involved and/or returning citizens to participate in public speaking opportunities and share their lives before, during and post incarceration. Who Speaks for Me? hosts events around the Washington Metropolitan Area and nationally.
The Speakers Bureau Program, raises awareness about the collateral consequences of mass incarceration and its unique impact on women, girls and LGBTQ people. All participants are paid a honorarium.